
High Resolution Audio

High Resolution Audio High Resolution Audio is audio beyond cd-audio,the graph above shows the most common HR/HD standards,there's also DSD a non pcm standard, as you can see pcm is a winner, why go with that stupid DSD Anyway the graph compares all. Care to comment?

Power Cables

Power CABLES Suppose the power of an amp is 40W The current through the power cable is 40w/240v =166mA Most power cables are 10A current handling .166/10 x 100% = 1.6% is the amp current out of 10A cable too much cable capacity is been wasted now, a better cable will make much of a difference?

Interconnects Cable Shield

Interconnect cable shield is very important, many on audio forums think it's not required, some say without it they get better sound ,others say moving from analog line of ~600mv to digital line ~2v input signal it is not required,it's unreal, they don't understand why the shield is there?, they don't understand emi/rfi?.An unshield interconnect invites interference to interconnected equipment.Unreal!!... please comment...

Cables on Audio

unity gain makes a difference?, cable L and C make a difference?, cable R makes a difference? 1- unity gain, no way it makes a difference,all the gain is done by the amp. 2- cable L and C, I have tested many cheap and expensive cables and there has been no phase shift or frequency response issues,so no they don't make a difference,could be, there would be very cheap cables(rubbish) that would make my conclusion invalid but hey they exist because they are dead cheap. 3- cable R, no , because if there is a drop in signal , the amp has all the power to put it back up conclusion, a good cable is about quality and reliability.

Amplifier Class-B vs Class-AB

Amplifier Class-B vs Class-AB I've been to audio forums and most people don't know the distinction between the classes and what are the benefits of each, Class-B could also be referred as Class-AB, but this is misconception, Class-B operates in Class-A for a few milliwatts, while Class-AB does in several watts,suffice to say Class-B aims at less class-a, while Class-AB at more class-a, what is the benefit of class-b, well it comes down to distortion, complimentary transistors in both classes switch at different levels,class-ab switching has more distortion because they're heavy biased in class-a and this causes distortion from class-a to class-b , the other thing of class-ab is less dynamics and punch when in class-a,although in class-a there is less distortion this is arguable in push pull class-a. Now let me mention the benefits of class-b, 1) few milliwatts in class-a this means more efficiency than class-ab, 2) faster switching because of less bias and this means less...
MP3 Mp3 has the same frequency range and dynamic range as CD-audio, however what dumps is audio data (sample data) that make the least difference to the listener compared to CD-audio,thus mp3's sound quality is down to sample data which is debatable whether they effect audio too much again compared to CD-audio,anyway frequency range and dynamic range is the important factors not sample data because frequency range and dynamic range indicate quality and sufficient sample data.
PCM digital AUDIO PCM uncompressed                     PCM lossless compressed                         PCM lossy compressed CD audio                                       Apple lossless audio                                   MP3 DVD audio                                     TTA                                                              AAC WAV, AIFF                             ...